ISSN 2058 – 5969

Holiness Volume 5 issue 1

Download the entire Volume 5 issue 1


Andrew Stobart



Carla Works
‘Finish Then Thy New Creation’: God’s Promise to Inherit the World

Roger Walton
Social Holiness and Social Justice

Daniel Pratt Morris-Chapman
Wesley and Methodist Responses to Slavery in America

James Garnett
Assimilation, Accommodation and Appropriation: Three attitudes to truth in science and religion

Devotional Article

Kim Cape
Covenant and Kin

What have the sermons of John Wesley ever done for us?

Mike Wilson
‘On the Trinity’


David Clark
The Gift of a Renewed Diaconate and the Contribution of British Methodism

Martin Clark
British Methodist Hymnody: Theology, Heritage and Experience

Geordan Hammond and David Ceri Jones (eds)
George Whitefield: Life, Context and Legacy

Clive Marsh
A Cultural Theology of Salvation

Clive Norris
The Financing of John Wesley’s Methodism c1740-1800

Stephen Poxon (ed)
Through the Year with John Wesley

Kenneth Stewart
In Search of Ancient Roots: The Christian Past and the Evangelical Identity Crisis

Rasiah Sugirtharajahn
Voices from the Margin: Interpreting the Bible in the Third World

Mark Thompson, Colin Bale and Edward Loane (eds)
Celebrating the Reformation: Its Legacy and Continuing Relevance

David Young
The Great River: Primitive Methodism till 1868, and Change and Decay: Primitive Methodism from Late Victorian Times till World War I