Peter Phillips
My passions in terms of research in New Testament alongside digital theology alongside science and religion studies geared towards future tech and science fiction. I am keen to offer critically supportive supervision for students at all levels of their formation as both scholars and, where appropriate, people of faith.
- 2006, Sheffield University, Education Dept, PGDip in Teaching and Learning for University Lecturers
- 2004, Sheffield University, Biblical Studies Dept, PhD – ‘The Prologue of John’s Gospel’
- 1990-1, Bristol University, Theology Dept, PGDip in Theology, MA in Biblical Studies
- 1987, University College of Wales, Aberystwyth, Classics Dept, BA (Hons), Latin & Greek
Current Employment:
- Tutor and Director of Centre for Digital Theology, Spurgeons College, London (p/t)
- Methodist Minister, Thames Valley Circuit (p/t)
- The Prologue of the Fourth Gospel: A Sequential Reading (Library of New Testament Studies 294; Edinburgh: T & T Clark, 2006)
- “Biblical Studies and Intertextuality: Should the work of Genette and Eco broaden our horizons?” in Thomas Brodie, Dennis MacDonald, Stanley Porter (eds.), The Intertextuality of the Epistles Explorations of Theory and Practice (Sheffield: Phoenix Press, 2006), pp.35-45
- “Casting out the Treasure: Matthew 13:52” (JSNT1, September 2008), pp.3-24
- “Rhetoric” in David G. Firth and Jamie Grant (eds.), Words and The Word, (Nottingham: IVP Apollos, 2008), pp.226-265. US Edition by IVP Academic, 2009
- “Methodists and the Bible”, in Gibson, Forsaith and Wellings (eds.), Ashgate Companion to World Methodism (Ashgate Press, February 2013)
- “The Bible as Augmented Reality” in Theology and Ministry Journal, Durham University, September 2013 (with Richard Briggs),
- “A Responsive Chorus: The Samaritans of Sychar” in Character Studies in the Fourth Gospel, (WUNT 314, Mohr Siebeck, 2013, pp.292-9)
- “The Woman Caught in Adultery: Nameless, Partnerless, Defenceless” in Character Studies in the Fourth Gospel, (WUNT 314, Mohr Siebeck, 2013, pp.407-421)
- “Digital Communication, the Church and Mission”, published online, June 2013
- “Security and Privacy in a Digital Age”, published online, 2014
- “Wesley’s Parish and the Digital Age”, Holiness3, 2016, pp.337-358
- Engaging the Word: Biblical Literacy and Christian Discipleship. BRF, 2017
- “The Pixelated Text: Reading the Bible within Digital Culture”. Theology 121(6), pp.403-412.
- “The Power of Visual Culture and The Fragility of the Text”, in Hamidović, Clivaz and Savant (eds.), Ancient manuscripts in digital culture visualisation, data mining, communication, (Leiden: Brill. 2019, pp.30-49).
- Ford, David. G., Mann, Joshua, L. and Phillips, Peter. The Bible and Digital Millennials (Routledge Focus on Religion). Abingdon: Routledge, 2019
- The Bible, Social Media and Digital Culture. (Routledge Focus on Religion). Abingdon: Routledge, 2019
- Phillips, P. M., Schiefelbein-Guerrero, K. & Kurlberg, J., “Defining Digital Theology: Digital Humanities, Digital Religion and the Particular Work of the CODEC Research Centre and Network”. Open Theology 5(1) (2019), pp.29-43
- “Depicting ‘Biblical’ Narratives: A Test Case on Noah” in Wickham Clayton (ed.), The Bible Onscreen in the New Millennium, Manchester University Press, 2020
- Phillips, P.M., “Enabling, Extending and Disrupting Religion in the Early COVID19 Crisis”, in Heidi Campbell (ed.), The Distanced Church: Reflections on Doing Church Online, (Digital Religion Publications, 2020, pp.71-75). DOI:
- Hybrid Church. London. Grove Books, 2020
- Phillips, P.M. and Kurlberg, J. (eds). Missio Dei and the Digital Age. London: SCM Press, 2020
- Phillips, P.M. “Enabling, Extending, Disrupting – The Shift to Online Church”, in H.A.Campbell, editor, Revisiting the Distanced Church. Available electronically from
- Centre for Digital Theology outputs during COVID19 Pandemic available at
- Cooper, A.P., Mann, J., Sutinen, E., and Phillips, P.M., “Understanding London’s church tweeters: a content analysis of church-related tweets posted from a global city”, FirstMonday (26:9), September 2021 []
- “Digital Being”, Crucible Journal, January 2023, pp.78ff.
- Phillips, P.M., “Bible reading and Interpretation in a Digital Age”, in Heidi Campbell (ed.) Oxford Handbook on Digital Religion, Oxford: Oxford University Press, March 2023. Digital Edition available:
- Phillips, P.M., “Reading the Bible and Digitality”, in Jonas Kurlberg, Alex Chow and Peter Phillips (eds.), Oxford Handbook on Digital Religion, Oxford: Oxford University Press (forthcoming)
- Allen, G., Dilley P. and Phillips, P. (eds.), New Approaches to Textual and Image Analysis in Early Jewish and Christian Studies, Leiden: Brill, 2023
- “Textual Approaches, Image Analysis and Bottom-Up Approaches in Religious Studies” in Garrick Allen, Paul Dilley and Peter Phillips (eds.), New Approaches to Textual and Image Analysis in Early Jewish and Christian Studies, Leiden: Brill, 2023, pp.1-4
- “Digital Theology and a potential Theological Approach to a Metaphysics of Information” in Zygon, Spring 2023 – early digital edition available: