The Revd Dr Claude Mwansa Kimpinde is Circuit Minister in the British Methodist Church in the Sheffield Circuit. He was ordained in 2010 in the Methodist Church of Southern Africa conference where is served various districts and Circuits.
Claude is originally from the Republic Democratic of Congo, he completed his PhD with the University of Pretoria in 2020, in Practical Theology under the sub-discipline of Pastoral Care and Counselling. He holds a Master of Arts in Theology (MA Th PT) in Practical Theology from the University of Pretoria, a Bachelor of Art honours Theology with specialisation in Practical Theology (BA Hon PTh) from the university of Pretoria, a Bachelor of Theology Degree (BTh) from the Theological Education by Extension College (TEEC) in South Africa, a Diploma in the Practical Theology from Emmaus Road Ministry School, in School of Practical Theology, Texas-USA, a Degree in Accounting and Financial Management, from the High School of Commerce (ISC- Kinshasa) in the Republic Democratic of Congo, a Diploma in banking and insurance: sales associate, from GRETA MTE-94 in France.
The Revd Dr Claude is a research fellow at the University of Free State in the department of Biblical Study in South Africa, is an affiliate in the Association of Christian Religious Practitioners (CPSC) as an Advanced Religious Specialist in Pastoral Counselling, is a member of The British & Irish Association for Practical Theology (BIAPT)., is a member of the South African Association of PHDs (SAAPhDs)
The Revd Dr Claude’s research interest are in Practical Theology in the sub- discipline of Pastoral care and counselling (individual, relationship, family therapy, trauma, pastoral, depression, spiritual and sexual counselling).

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