Wesley House Pastoral Supervision course

    Thank you for signing up to our Pastoral Supervision course. This form enables us to understand a bit about your experience of Supervision before the course starts

    Contact details

    Your full name (required)

    Your preferred name

    Your email address (required)

    Your telephone number

    Current role

    Please let us know of any access and dietary requirements we need to be aware of

    Please list any other supervision courses you have attended and their dates/duration

    What experience do you have of being supervised?

    Are you receiving supervison at the moment? If so, how often?

    What do you value most about the supervision you are receiving?

    What do you hope to gain from this course?

    How do you plan to apply/use the learning from this course?

    Why do you think pastoral supervision is important for ministers? (max 500 words)

    Data consent

    Wesley House may send me news, including information about courses.

    Wesley House may send me news about the Holiness journal.

    Wesley House may take and store photographs of me and use them for publicity purposes.

    Wesley House may take and store videos of me and use them for publicity purposes.

    To record your preferences we will store your name in our database, along with any other relevant information.