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How do we minister for and with ALL of God’s people?

This four-week short course, led by The Revd Dr Adam Ployd, seeks to equip church leaders with or without collars to engage their congregations and their communities in pastoral practices that not only respect but also learn from and thrive within the diversity of God’s good creation

Two things are true about the changing face of ministry: (1) it must be done by both laity and clergy alike and (2) it must be done with an attentiveness to the complexities of increasingly intercultural contexts. Using Emmanuel Y. Lartey’s Pastoral Theology in an Intercultural World as a jumping-off point, we will gather together as amateur and professional practitioners from various backgrounds to reflect upon the ways in which cultural competency might shape the way we serve our churches and communities.

Course sessions will be a mix of short lecture, plenary conversation, and small group discussion. It is designed less as an exercise in instruction and more as a space for creative and constructive reflection.

Adam Ployd is Vice Principal and Director of the Centre for Leadership and Ministry Development at Wesley House, Cambridge. A historical theologian, he has over a decade’s worth of experience training lay and ordained leaders for various ministries in a pluralistic world.

Review of Pastoral Theology in an Intercultural World

Grounded in deep pastoral wisdom and theological integrity, Pastoral Theology in an Intercultural World is essential reading for anyone wanting to understand the heart of pastoral theology. Lartey provides an important analysis of the relationship between theology and pastoral care, and offers an inviting vision of theology in our time of globalization.

Dr Gordon Lynch, Senior Lecturer in Religion and Culture, Department of Theology and Religion, University of Birmingham



Course Structure

  • Four two hour Zoom classes on Mondays from 28 November to 19 December 2022 (4pm UK time)
  • Pastoral Theology in an Intercultural World is required reading. Participants will be given access to an electronic copy from registration for the duration of the course
  • The course entails approximately eight hours of reading outside of class time
  • A Certificate of Completion is available for those who complete a brief reflection on how the course relates to their own experience of ministry (1500 words)

Course Cost

Early Bird Registration: £100 (ends 1 November 2022)

Regular Registration: £120 (ends 23 November 2022)

Please note we require minimum numbers to run this course


Book now at: https://incarnationalministry.eventbrite.co.uk