- 22nd June 2012 Jane Leach: End of Year
- 5th July 2012 Jonathan Hustler: following the vote on the Fruitful Field in the Methodist Conference
- 12th November 2014 Brian Beck: Founders and Benefactors Service
- 21st January 2015 Alison Walker: The Covenant in the Wilderness
- 18th February 2015 John Bradbury: Ash Wednesday
- 5th March 2015 Catherine Dixon: End of Term Service
- 25th July 2015 Catherine Dixon: Launch of Friends of Wesley House
- 13th October 2015 Jane Leach: Federation Worship
- 24th January 2016 Jane Leach: Week of Prayer for Christian Unity
- 23rd March 2016 Jane Leach: The close of Easter School
- 16 July 2016 Morna Hooker-Stacey: Annual Friends Service
- 6 April 2017 Cindy Wesley: Shame, a sermon for Passiontide
- 1 December 2017 Brian Beck: An advent sermon for Founders & Benefactors
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