Please note that we will not have accommodation facilities beyond July 2025.


    Wesley House Accommodation enquiry

    This form is for us to be able to gather some information if you are interested in staying at Wesley House. We regret that we are unable to accommodate under 18 year olds as we do not have staff on site outside of weekday office hours.

    Contact details

    Your full name (required)

    Your preferred name

    Your email address (required)

    Your telephone number


    For which dates do you need accommodation? (required)

    Do you need a single or double room?


    Please let us know of any accessibility requirements you have so that we can find a suitable room for you.

    Please give brief details of any medical conditions or allergies that we should know about.

    Religious affiliation

    You do not have to have any religious affiliation to be part of Wesley House, though it is important you are sympathetic to the College’s ethos as you will be living in a worshiping Christian community.

    Will you be joining us for worship (weekdays in term-time)?

    About you

    Why are you looking for accommodation?
    StudentOn sabbaticalOn holidayOther:

    Accept and send

    If you have any comments or questions, please leave a message here

    I understand that Wesley House only offers self-catering facilities and is unstaffed outside of office hours.
    The person(s) staying will be at least 18 years old.
    I agree to Wesley House's terms and conditions of accommodation and to respect the College's ethos.

    Wesley House may store my personal data (without this permission we can not progress your request)

    Wesley House may send me news, including information about courses.

    Read the Wesley House accommodation terms and conditions