ISSN 2058 – 5969

Holiness & Leadership


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Andrew Stobart

Peer-reviewed articles

Leslie Francis and Adam Stevenson
Profiling Methodist Leadership

Short articles

Neil Richardson
The Leadership of God

Gordon Leah
Debating God: Conversations about God in Albert Camus’ The Plague

David Carter
Holiness and Unity: praise, meekness and love in ecumenical dialogue

Janet Morley
Guarding the ‘holy fire’: dementia and the mystery of love

Acedia series

Alan Palmer
Echoes of Acedia : Introverts and Perfectionists in the Church 

What have the sermons of John Wesley ever done for us?

Ed Mackenzie             
‘On Family Religion’: discipleship within the home


Jane Leach
Holy Containment and the Supervision of Leaders in Ministry

Review Article

Andrew Stobart (ed)
‘Storying the leading’: curating narratives of leadership in conversation with Vaughan S. Roberts and David Sims, Leading By Story: Rethinking Church Leadership


Read all the reviews

Brian E. Beck, Methodist Heritage and Identity

David Dickinson, Yet Alive: Methodists in British Fiction Since 1890

Steven Emery-Wright, and Ed Mackenzie. Networks for Faith Formation, Relational Bonds and the Spiritual Growth of Youth

Michael Green, Radical Leadership, In the New Testament and today

Dalai Lama, Desmond Tutu, Douglas Abrams, The Book of Joy: Lasting Happiness in a Changing World

Gordon Leah. There Your Heart Will Be

Philip J. Richter, Spirituality in Photography: Taking pictures with deeper vision

John Sutherland, Blue: A Memoir – Keeping the Peace and Falling to Pieces.

Rowan Williams, “Being Disciples: Essentials of the Christian Life”