ISSN 2058 – 5969
Holiness & the Body
Janet Morley
Peer-reviewed articles
Hannah Bucke
Moving into the neighbourhood: embodiment, sacrament and ritual in urban mission
Jill Marsh
Towards an ethnically diverse British Methodist Church
Short articles
Charles Wallace
Confessions of a Methodist foodie: how tradition can feed our (good) habits and nourish our souls
Greg Obong-Oshotse
Dying to live: a personal reflection on the spiritual discipline of fasting
Charity Hamilton
When bodies ‘fail’: illness and incarnation
Heather Noel-Smith
Divine defragmentation
Heather Walton
‘And a sword will pierce your soul also’: reflections on the holy mother and the holy child
Barbara Glasson
Falling over and walking away
Rosemary Power
Modern pilgrimage in the west of Ireland
What have the sermons of John Wesley ever done for us?
Frances Young
The Duty of Constant Communion