ISSN 2058 – 5969
Holiness & Mission
Janet Morley
Peer-reviewed articles
Stephen Bevans
Mission in Britain today: some modest reflections and proposals
David N Field
Holiness, social justice and the mission of the Church: John Wesley’s insights in contemporary context
Joanne Cox-Darling
Mission-shaped Methodism and Fresh Expressions
Short articles
Valentin Dedji
Holiness, grace and mission: revisiting John Wesley’s missiological mandate
Oseias da Silva
Reverse mission in the Western context
Tim Macquiban
Holiness in the Methodist tradition – an ecumenical pilgrimage
Val Reid
A gathered stillness: meditation as a fresh expression of church?
Stephen Day
Into Africa: a mission partner reflects
What have the sermons of John Wesley ever done for us?
Leslie Griffiths
Free grace – theology with the gloves off
Creative and Devotional Material
Nicola Morrison, Ruth Jeffries, Janet Morley
‘An eye to God in every word’ – praying the hymns of Charles Wesley 2. ‘Come and let us sweetly join’