Meet the team
Dr Helen Cameron
Research Fellow, Wesley House Cambridge
Helen is a practical theologian who has worked in enabling roles in faith-based and secular organisations.
Cameron, H (2022) ‘Church Organisation’, in Ward, P. and Tveitereid, K. (eds.) The Wiley Blackwell Companion to Theology and Qualitative Research. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell.
Cameron, H. (2022). From the Boy in the Temple to the Man on the Road: The maturing role of Practical Theology in the life of the Church. In Evangelicals engaging with Practical Theology: Theology that Impacts Church and World. H. D. Morris and H. Cameron. (eds) London, Routledge.
Cameron, H. (2021). Normativity in Practice: Governance in secular and faith-based non-profit organisations. in Reimaging Faith and Management. E. Pio and T. Pratt (eds). London, Routledge.
Cameron, H (2021) ‘Mission enabling as a formative spiritual practice’, Word and Deed, 13(2), pp. 25-31.
Revd Canon David Dadswell
Diocesan Secretary, Diocese of Lincoln
David is an Anglican priest, consultant, and teacher, currently Diocesan Secretary of the Lincoln Diocese. He worked internationally as an organisational consultant for over twenty years in commercial, public and voluntary organisations
Dadswell, D. (2011). Consultancy Skills for Mission and Ministry: A Handbook. London, SCM Press.
Dr James Butler
Post-doctoral Researcher, University of Roehampton and Lecturer, CMS, Oxford
James is an experienced teacher and qualitative researcher. He has focused on projects at the intersection of ministry and mission.
Butler, J. (2020). “The ‘long and winding road’ of faith: learning about the Christian life and discipleship from two Methodist congregations.” Practical Theology 13(3): 277-289.
Butler, J. (2022). “The Pedagogy of Evangelism: Moving from a Didactic to a Conversational Model of Evangelism.” Mission Studies 39(1): 95-116.
Ross, C. and J. Butler (2022). “Encountering our own whiteness: An autoethnographic conversation on the experience of putting together a journal issue around mission, race and colonialism.” Practical Theology 15(1-2): 148-159.