Shuo-en with Bishop Alice

Shuo-en was one of the two DTM students at Wesley House in 2017/18.

In my time in Wesley House, I was enrolled in the Diploma in Theological Ministry program, which required me to have coursework with Divinity Faculty in Cambridge University as well as a church placement in a local Methodist church. I appreciate the holistic approach to explore my calling provided by the Wesley House as I not only engaged with church and school work but also was nurtured by the tutorial system and the communal life in the House.


The tutors helped set up my placement in the church, granting me rare opportunities to preach and take leadership roles. Our Director of Studies also helped me survey the complicated school system. The regular tutorial times checked my development and supported me immensely in balancing life and study. My experienced tutor got to know me and gave me feedback based on my personality and particular condition. I felt respected and understood in the tutorial times. This in turns helped me integrate with the community in Wesley House and beyond because I knew I was not alone.


The communal life in Wesley House conforms to my ideal in many aspects. Our fellow students came from different regions from the world, bringing diverse perspectives into our intellectual and daily lives. It was refreshing and heart-warming to see how students from different cultures show love and hospitality in different ways. The trustees here were friendly and approachable. Many of them wanted to know us and often sat with us in weekly dinner and theological discussion panel. We students were treated with respect that we were even given opportunity to review and evaluate candidates of future tutors.


The worship life in Wesley House helped my prayer life greatly as it provided useful structure and authorized material to use in my personal devotion. As a resident student, I had access to the tidy chapel in the House so that I could enjoy praying undisturbed almost every day. As a result, my prayer life improved very much during my stay.


My study in Cambridge has been much facilitated by the generosity and kind helps offered by Wesley House. My success and satisfaction in Cambridge cannot be separated from the life and learning in Wesley House and all its tutors and staff.