Tiffany Newsom (L) with Katie Beth Miksa and Sam Riedel

Tiffany Newsom, a student of Wesley Theological Seminary, Washington DC, studied the Advanced Diploma in Theology and Religious Studies from the University of Cambridge. She was at Wesley House in the 2015-2016 academic year.


My time at Wesley House was one of the most amazing and transforming experiences of my life. As I sat in classrooms surrounded by peers of many faiths and nationalities, and taught by some of the brightest minds in the world, I was enlightened to a broader world view. I realized there are multiple expressions of these world views and multiple expressions of being the church in the world. In Wesley House itself, I found a community of Methodists who brought out and expressed a broad spectrum across both theology and practice, and diversity within the tradition. Despite our cultural and theological differences, we were able to share together in faith in a way I have not found anywhere else.


I was initially put off by the prospect of attending daily prayer, and in the first weeks I was there I begrudgingly showed up. But the community of faith we built through intentional prayer together was one of the most meaningful experiences I had while there. I have continued the practice of morning prayer since returning to America and it is what has sustained me through my first few months in ministry. It brought me back to the spiritual disciplines that so powerfully called me into this life of service and reminded me of their deep importance in the lives of all Christians. What we learn and what we take away from an experience like this will be different for each person, but I can promise you it will be transformative and enlightening in so many ways!

HRH The Earl of Wessex meets Tiffany Newsom