Ngome Mbwoge
PhD student
Current situation
Lecturer at the Presbyterian Theological Seminary Kumba, Cameroon
Research Area
Traditional Leadership and the Bakossi People: A Contextual Reading of Mark 10:35-45
This research falls under the broad field of Biblical Studies and narrows down to postcolonial biblical scholarship, whose current interest revolves around the Bible as it is read and studied in Africa. Mindful of the rich evolution of the Biblical Interpretation approaches and methods. This research is motivated by the interest of decolonizing Biblical Interpretation through recognising the Bakossi context as an interpretative resource. The research addresses the problem that, the way the bible is presently read (colonial reading) among the Bakossi people seems not to be transformative because a colonial reading ignores the indigenous worldview of a people. Hence egoism and corruption in community leadership is evident even among the professing Christian population. The research therefore add knowledge on how scripture can be interpreted considering indigenous experience mindful of syncretism. It will also narrow the gap between traditional leadership responsibilities and Christian values in leadership. Furthermore, it will bridge the gap between scholarly and ordinary reading of the bible. Finally it will enhance the applicability of the Tri-polar model of interpretation. The Tri-polar model could be the most befitting theological framework for the interpretive process in this work. It presents pole of the text (Mark 10:35-45) and the pole of the context (the Bakossi culture) which will be contextualised using the third pole known as appropriation that is use to analyse the data to be driven by an ideo-theological orientation that is Leadership. Exegesis and hermeneutics in this research design are not seen as separate processes.
Public Health and Religion: Developing a Covic-19 Pandemic Theology
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