Racheal Stuff
PhD student
Current situation
Part Time Student
Full Time Minister of yhe Methodist Church Ghana
Accra Diocese- Kwashieman Circuit
Research Area
An In-Depth Examination Of Factors Which Impact The Leadership Trajectory Of Ordained Women In The Methodist Church Ghana.
Ordained women in the MCG are given opportunities to serve in different capacities at the society and circuit level of the church. However, when it comes to positions of leadership at the diocesan and connexional level, women are practically invisible. (Adasi 2016). This research will explore the potential obstacles preventing ordained women from rising to positions of leadership in the church at the diocesan and connexional levels. This research will find out what potential barriers there may be. The study, therefore, seeks to investigate the reasons for the under representation of women in the strategic leadership structure of the Methodist Church. The research will also draw attention to policy-making and decision-making in a male-dominated leadership and the need to deliberately train and appoint more females in the leadership of the Church in order to address this inequality.
MA Thesis: Challenges Faced By Women In The Ordainded Ministry; In Terms Of Posting And Family Life: A Case Study Of The Methodist Church Ghana, Accra Diocese
Supervisory team
Dr Karen Shakespeare