The Revd Trista Soendker Nicholson
PhD student

Current situation

The Revd Trista Soendker Nicholson has served as Senior Pastor at St. Paul’s UMC in Raymore, MO. Trista is committed to intentional mission work, and has led several mission teams in Haiti. She was awarded the Martha Wright Griffiths’ Emerging Leader Award in 2015, awarded to an alumni from the University of Missouri for work for the betterment of women around the world.

Trista is privileged to serve as a General and Jurisdictional Conference Delegate for the Missouri Annual Conference, is part of the Board of Ordained Ministry, and is a member of the Conference Episcopacy Committee.

Trista earned her MSA from Trinity University in Washington, DC, and her MDiv from Saint Paul School of Theology in Kansas City, where she was awarded The Roy M. Brady Award for preaching. She was ordained in 2012, and is now an adjunct faculty member teaching Old Testament and Preaching at Saint Paul School of Theology.


Research Area

More Power, Less Glory: An Analysis of Martin E. Marty’s Writing on Christian Nationalism and Fundamentalism


Supervisory team

Richard Davis